Adobe Jenson Pro
This is a 5 piece series I did in Sophmore Typography class at NCSU. We were given one font to analize and highlight all the serifs and counter-tops then comparing between bold and italicized styles. From that research we chose four features to focus on and make explainatory posters. These are what I came up with.

Axis Rotation

Ascenders and Decenders

Serif Differance in Capitals

Closed Counter-Tops
Adobe Jenson Pro
This is a 5 piece series I did in Sophmore Typography class at NCSU. We were given one font to analyze and highlight all the serifs and counter-tops then comparing between bold and italicized styles. From that research we chose four features to focus on and make explanatory posters. These are what I came up with.

This foldable was a school project made to highlight the physiological draws to E-Cigs and cigarettes. This foldable can fold out to make 4 different openings points that all make up the final image.