Hello! Pleasure to make your acquaintance!
Thanks for taking a look around! I am a designer and artist based out of NC. I grew up in Charlotte NC Where I attended Myers Park High School. In 2018 I won 6 gold key awards through the scholastic art competition as well as won best in show for the NC scholastic Art Showcase. I Graduated high school in 2018 and took 8 months off to backpack around South America. Some photographs of this trip are somewhere. I started college at NC State University and was 1 of 27 students selected to study Graphic Design at the 4th ranked graphic design college in the US. I continued to enhance my graphic design skills while also working towards my fine art career. I worked with Planned Parenthood Generation action for several years in college creating graphics for them as well as interning for the CCC (Carolina climbers coalition). In 2021, me, my mom, and sister started a studio group called HastyLadies and sold merch through the VanGogh Exhibit and were the top sellers for the exhibit earning the highest earning group sold at the exhibit! Look us up! I graduated in May with a degree in Graphic Design and a Minor in Environmental Science with Magna Cum Lade decorated as well as PPGA exec board for 4 years.